Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I guess I have a bad habit for finding jobs that arent professional at all to any extent. I think I have definitely learned my lesson from this job. I would rather work for a larger company then a smaller company for the fact they cant really screw you as easy. This company is unbelievable, they call themselves a business and professional. Thats what you dont get from alot of family owned companies. I worked there for almost a month and everyday all the owner german would complain about it how people didnt want the system and I remember one person inparticular, he came into the office told my manager "this bitch, I dont wanna deal with dont call her back. " Who talks about people like that who is wanting there business to get better? They already have a hole in the wall business building which sits right behind a bar where there are people constantly doing drugs. Well to tell the story, a lady who worked in the call center came in bragging about how she has a warrant for her arrest so my manager proceeded to call the police department just to find out. He didnt have her birthdate so they called and talked to the owners daughter renee and she lied and said this lady was terminated trying to cover for her so she didnt get in trouble. They told my manger to take her home cuz they didnt want her getting caught and so we wouldnt lose our jobs he took her to a motel. When he got back renee came in the office telling me that me and him were both fired for calling the police and they werent giving us our checks or money they owe us for the past week and a half. The police officers then showed up and they pretended they didnt know anything going on. Come to find out this lady had quite a few warrants and while we were talking to the officers german (the owner) had left. Well when my manager left the way he goes home goes right next to the motel where he dropped this lady off and germans car was sitting in the back parkinglot. He went up there to get her so she wouldnt get arrested or caught and this lady decided to text my manager saying she was going to turn us in for dealing and trafficing drugs. Excuse me they can run me test me do whatever they gotta do. I have never been arrested or in trouble with the law and I DEFINITELY DONT DO DRUGS!!! SHe came in bragging about how she uses meth and at her old job would do cocaine on her breaks. Im sorry but I felt uncomfortable working with her not to mention she has a 12yr old son. How sad is that? This company is a sorry ass company and anyone who is debating on going with their service really needs to think twice about what kind of company they are signing up with. A company who will hide someone from the law and fire 2 people who were just doing their job. Good luck with that.....